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 Gabe Kuo (Zenkai)
 Appears to be around (Start) 15 - 17 (Current)
DT1/  (Youtube videos) voiced by Patrick M. Seymour
DT1VN / DT3  voiced by Wesley Bloxsom (Current)

A bastard prince from the planet Vectrom.


Rejected and out right ridiculed about his status, as it got worse, this caused him to take a much laid back cautious outlook on life. He became cocky and just an overall joking guy,  not one to really pay mind to serious matters,  Skilled with electricity and light dama power, he was later inlisted in the Lighton Federation to help fight against methods from a force known as the Necrodens. But also to keep him out of upper royal affairs.


He is currently now on a mission with Commander Kareen Dio, and close friend Chris Kumono, to explore Planet Terraldyn. To find members of their army who become unresponsive.



Elementar Rising Bio's

Chris Kumono (Anshul)Appears to be around 
(start) 16 -(Currently 18)
DT1/ (Youtube videos) - voiced by Melifiry
DT2 - voiced by Mike VA (Current)


A cool headed go - getter, good with the ladies and loves to spar when given the chance.  He carries fire and dark dama powers, which he uses to get the job done.


Chris Kumono is a Necroden from Vectrom, who had a troubled past, taken in by Kareen Dio and trained; he later joined the ranks beside Gabe becoming his first real outside friend. He has a sister (See Alien Ministry) who till this day he thinks about. Granted not everything is placed out in the open, Chris is skilled at what he does.


Chris is currently second in command, on the mission to Terraldyn.



Kareen Dio
Age (Unknown)
DT1/(Youtube videos) - voiced by Neokachan
DT2/DT3 - voiced by Kalyn (Current)

Very serious and steadfast, Kareen is one of the head captains of the Lighton Federation. Utilizing two swords and light dama use, she is a force to be reckoned with.


Kareen started out as one of the Peace Makers to save Terraldyn from the forces of Dread. Once her group split off, she then became a teacher and mentor to many other officers of Vectrom. Later she was given the task of looking after Gabe due to his status and had been taken care of Chris Kumono at the time. Kareen can come off very motherly, but also extremly stern and serious.


She is currently leading the mission, to find the reasons for the connection issues from AM.

Nari Rice
Appears to be around 15 
voiced by Megan Enos (Current)

 Nari is a girl from the city of New Tech. Specializing in robotics and the works of Dama. Flurtasious and very out going about how she thinks. She seeks to aid those going against the works of the K.A.O.S organization.



Though not to much else is known about her at this point. Her past may reveal more.


(See Alien Ministry for details.)s from AM.

Witchhazel Lysander
(Appears to be 18)
voiced by Nitrogoblin
(C) Nitrogoblin

A witch, with a love for money. Witchhazel is a traveling merchant of her self named magical emporium. Her store appears to people who need it's aid, however little is known about the owner. Witchhazel is fairly mysterious, but always carries a peppy attitude and is certainly eager to make a sale.


Though Like Nari, Witchhazel's past may reveal more.

(See Alien Ministry for details.)

The K.A.O.S Empire Forces

DR. K.a.o.s - Master of Mayham
(Appears to be 40's - 50's)
voiced by YouvsMatt

 Known also in other rumors as the 'Nightmare Doctor'


He is the head of K.A.O.S Inc (Karlos,Alien,Operating,Systems) His goals are not really to known, but it's certain his organization holds the world. Creator of the Dama Units, and many other creations around Terraldyn, it's only a matter of time before his corruptions grow stronger.

He also currently has a hold to four sisters known as the 'Sisters of Chaos'

Princess Sion Crowne - C.E.O of K.A.O.S INC.
Appears to be around 16
voiced by Katabelle


The over looker of many of K.A.O.S products and activities, snobby and very strict to her subjects, she carries out her duties with a forward tongue. She doesn't dabble into many small matters that don't affect her, and stands for keeping production of Kaos works flowing as they should.


Sion at times can be seen a bit ill with her jokes, but don't let that take you off guard. She is an Esper Elementar, who is capable of terrible yet interesting things with that mind of hers.



Though not too much else can be said at this point. Her past may reveal more.

(See Alien Ministry for details.)

Sandra Devatose - Sector C weapon tester
Appears to be around 17
voiced by Nitrogoblin


A snotty - bratty teen who had been forced into the ranks of K.A.O.S as a weapon tester/technician. Though she isn't fond of the uppers, she gets her work done.


Though not too much else can be said at this point. Her past may reveal more.

(See Alien Ministry for details.)

     The D.A.M.A Units

1st Unit Commander Bombodia
appears (17)
voiced by Nickle4apickle


Commander over the renovation department of K.A.O.S. She keeps workers in line and if they mess up, there tends to be devastating consiquences. Bombodia carries a knack for blowing things up, but most if anything likes fingers. Though, sly and witty with a bit of spunk, she thinks of them like fire crackers, it's apparent K.A.O.S designed her off their habbits of destroying things.


Though not too much else can be said at this point. Her past may reveal more.

(See Alien Ministry for details.)

2nd Unit Commander Shinz Wave
appears (25 - 30)
voiced by DanteWahou


Commander over entertainemt division of K.A.O.S promoting the works and bringing in the goods is all part of his show. Which his audiance has a great helping hand in. Shinz is snarky, sted fast and extremly proud of his works. Sitting in his floating studio which produces waves to all that watch. K.A.O.S has made him so good, that his very sound waves capture the thoughts and minds of many who tune into his feed. Perhaps beside the technology of K.A.O.S they wanted a little shot at stardom too.


Though not too much else can be said at this point. His past may reveal more.

(See Alien Ministry for details.)

3rd Unit Commander Glitch
appears (17)
voiced by Skytric


Commander over information processing. Stubborn but to the point, Glitch takes his jobs with quick ease and acess. He isn't one for small talk, and has a quick temper to delete anything he dislikes.  He is currently seeking ways to better produce data transfers from K.A.O.S  works.


Though not too much else can be said at this point. His past may reveal more.

(See Alien Ministry for details.)

4thUnit Commander Glacetra
appears (10)
voiced by Nitrogoblin


Commander over weaponry. Granted there's not to much to her appereance, don't let that fool you. Glacetra likes dolls, and protecting the weapons of K.A.O.S. She can seem kind but there is another side to her quite not seen to the outside eye. Glacetra also carries little robotic rabbits which help her in her quest to protect things.


Though not too much else can be said at this point. Her past may reveal more.

(See Alien Ministry for details.)

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